How to Create a Bird Mural to Celebrate the Diversity of Winged Wonder – Pitoies
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Activities By Early-Mid Stage

How to Create a Bird Mural to Celebrate the Diversity of Winged Wonders

17 Mar 2023 0 Comments
How to Create a Bird Mural to Celebrate the Diversity of Winged Wonders
Birds have undergone millions of years of evolution since they coexisted with dinosaurs, resulting in a magnificent array of shapes, sizes, and colors. From soaring eagles to petite wrens, waddling penguins to galloping ostriches, these winged wonders are truly amazing.

To create a bird mural, you will need printed templates of various birds, pencils, paints, felt pens, and an extra-large sheet of card. Here's how to do it:

Begin by placing a small selection of bird templates on the table to avoid overwhelming participants.
Have each person browse the images and choose the ones they like best to color in.
Use the images as a conversation starter to discuss topics such as favorite birds, funny bird stories, or seagulls that stole ice cream.
Allow each person to choose their preferred coloring medium.
Continue coloring over several sessions as needed.
Cut out the colored birds.
Take a large piece of card or a notice board and pin or glue the birds onto it.
Overlap the birds to cover the entire board.
Step back and admire the stunning display of colors, and put it on exhibit for everyone to enjoy.
Creating a bird mural is a fun and creative way to celebrate these fantastic creatures.

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