Object Drawing Game: A Fun Group Activity for Everyone – Pitoies
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Object Drawing Game: A Fun Group Activity for Everyone

18 Apr 2023 0 Comments
Object Drawing Game: A Fun Group Activity for Everyone
This game is enjoyable for anyone, regardless of artistic abilities. However, it requires concentration and a willingness to give sketching a try without taking oneself too seriously. The game is best played with a group of six people. Each person takes turns describing how an object should be drawn without using the name of the object, while someone else sketches it so that the rest of the group can guess what it is.

As the sketcher draws, the group can shout out their guesses, making the game a lot of fun and a repeatable activity.

To play, you'll need a list of words or pictures of simple objects (you can get a ready-made set by tapping the 'Email Resources' button) and a flipchart with coloured pens.

Here are the steps to follow:
1. Choose one person to be the "describer" and another to be the "drawer".
2. Give the "describer" a word and encourage them to describe how to draw it to the drawer step by step without explicitly stating what it is. For example, if the word is "orange", their first suggestion might be "draw a circle".
3. As the sketcher draws, the rest of the group can start shouting out their guesses as to what the object is.
4. Once someone correctly guesses the object, the person describing will stop.
5. Swap the roles of the describer and drawer and continue with the next object.

Have fun playing!

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