A-Z Quiz: A Fun and Brain-Boosting Activity for Everyone – Pitoies
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A-Z Quiz: A Fun and Brain-Boosting Activity for Everyone

26 Mar 2023 0 Comments
A-Z Quiz: A Fun and Brain-Boosting Activity for Everyone
This A-Z Quiz is a fun activity that encourages people to use their cognitive skills while having a good time. The quiz's objective is to answer all the questions with words that start with each letter of the alphabet in order. Don't worry if you get some answers wrong; the purpose is to exercise your brain and have fun.

You can play the quiz for enjoyment, or if you want to add some competition, keep score and award the winner with a small prize. You can access the quiz question sheet by tapping the "Email Resources" button to give the person the opportunity to try it on their own before sharing the answers with them.

To start the activity, gather a group or sit with the person one-on-one, and either read the questions aloud or take turns reading them. If someone is having trouble answering, the group can step in and help, or you can give them some clues. If someone knows the answer but has difficulty expressing it, congratulate them for knowing and give them the answer.

Remember to congratulate every answer, even if it's incorrect, as the primary objective is to exercise the brain. If you're playing competitively, keep scores and award the winner a small prize. You'll only need the A-Z Quiz and a small prize, which is optional.

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